
coverfestivaltomasklein.jpgBooks by Luc Sala


There are many books, some too old to matter, like the old books about 1980’s C64 programming, computergames, internet starter, and ‘de thuiscomputer’,  the BitBang (year 2000) book etc., books about RSI, etc. etc. more recent and downloadable titles are:


downloadable, but also in print ( email mailto:


Identity 2.0 A new 520 page perspective (update from Indentity) with Stanley Krippner & Steve Speer 2020

sacredvoorkantcovertomas2juliklein.jpgIdentity, the essence of manifestation (about the multiple identity in psychology) with Stanley Krippner, Steve Speer, John Newton and Steve Speer 2017

Ritual: the magical dimension 2014, an extensive 800 page study with many new insights in how rituals and magic works.

Cyberspace Recon 2014

Festivalization, the boom in events 2015, about how festivals and autonomous zones offer an escape from the cyberspaced contact prison

Sacred Journeys about travelling inside with psychedelics 2015 STAIRWAY2 HEAVEN1 indentity20225x150voorpagklein.jpg


Nederlands/Dutch language

the First novel:   Het kantelmoment, een roman (pseudoniem Leo Hadee) over de zoektocht naar een nieuw paradigma.


KantelMoment - voorcovepsdmettekstkleinCyberspace, het virtuele continent 2014, studie over recente ontwikkelingen en de anti-entropische aspecten van internet

De Verbonden Stad met Luud Schimmelpennink (jv Till, K. Kuitert, L. Lindner) over çonnected city’ en diversiteit en mobiliteit in de stad van de toekomst 2014

De innerlijke reis (over psychedelica) 2016

Virtual Reality (1990-2014) with John Perry Barlow, Timothy Leary a.o.

RSI Muisarm en multisyndroom 2003

Lokale Media Nota 2019




Er wordt gewerkt aan:

Update Virtual Reality boek 1990 over de technologie van 2020

A book about Group Mind and thought waves .