When a
caterpillar in his cocoon is about to become a butterfly, most of his cells
die, but there are a few that kind of decide to become the butterfly. These cell are the change agents, the ones
that make the transformation happen. According to epigenetic expert Bruce
Lipton, among humans there are also butterfly change agents, people who make a
Butterfly Program aims at finding those, bringing them together and allow them
to really become the change agents. This capability of being a “butterfly
person” does not necessarily have much
to do with academic qualifications --, more with social entrepreneurship, and
even more with being able to use the deep, hidden creative core of our being.
The program
offers those who have these capabilities a platform to join, interact, and
bundle their talents. Finding those people is not easy, and things like
IQ-tests, personality profiles etc. are little help: an intuitive approach
promises the best results, and this group
is more likely to be found in the
post-“Emotional Intelligence” and even
the “Spiritual Capital” part of the spectrum. The originality, holistic orientation, depth
of understanding and at the same time the ability to see the emergent, novelty
and presencing* phenomena before they are fully
apparent globally, are the more important factors; this, coupled with their
general existential and professional orientation, as well as their guiding
motivation and passion, will serve as the principal criteria for selection.
Butterfly Program will try to identify these out-of-the-box thinkers, doers,
artists, healers and intuitives, and offer them a program
that would help them to even further amplify their awareness, to better understand
their true talents, and offer them the support and environment to link with
similar others in a dynamic action-, project- and product-oriented environment.
This could
be a worldwide project, with the help of those people who have a natural “attractor”
talent, or “factor” for those with the
right “change gene”, within the
possibilities afforded by an increasingly networked world.
However, to
bootstrap the project, MySTeR will initially begin
with invitational workshops and mini-conferences on a national or European
scale, with a fairly open format, but using innovative tools and creative
technologies to help the groups focus their energy and, hopefully, develop a
new multidisciplinary (and yet, at this
stage, still fairly general and replicable) methodology.
the outcome of these processes cannot and should not be limited, there need to
be some kind of production format. The end result of these meetings could be a
manifesto, a piece of art, a new word or concept, but it has to have some form.
The outcome will not be regarded as the property of the participants, but will
made public and sent off into cyberspace (in conformity with the principles of
Open Access, Open Culture, and the Creative Commons). We are of the opinion that attaching material
or monetary value to new concepts might at first yield palpable results, however, in the mid-range and in most cases it also
stifles the creative process. Understanding that new ideas come from and belong
to the Universe is a basic tenet of the program.
Apart from
the attendants, who are free to organize themselves and choose the topics to be
worked on, a link with a number of renowned like-minded outside facilitators is
an essential aspect of the integration expected from the Butterfly Process. Via
interactive online and other media, qualified experts will be contacted,
consulted and asked for feedback during the process, and regularly consulted
concerning the implications of the ideas and concepts arising during the
Luc Sala, June
2011, with Zarko Almuli
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