New Edge and Mondo 2000: my personal perspective


Version 2.3 by Luc Sala, Febr 2012

At the request of Simone Lackerbauer and R.U. Sirius this is a personal and maybe somewhat colored account of what I remember and could trace.

Mondo 2000 has been, for me, a door to understanding and experiencing the convergence and integration of technology, new age, philosophy and art. I believe the magazine and the scene were at the root of the development of the late twentieth century cyberculture and have helped bridge the gap between the more traditional new age (fairly conservatively focused on eastern traditions, health and body, somewhat negative and Luddite about technology) and the computer/information wave.

My involvement with the actual magazine was limited, I sponsored with money and was international distributor (paying in advance helped to print the magazine). My involvement with the people of and around Mondo was what was most important for me, those contacts opened a door into the world of cyberspace, cyberart, psychedelic (ontological) philosophy, design and counterculture. The Mondo scene was where one would meet the great alternative thinkers and writers. They were easy with their contacts and networking, opened many, many doors for me and I am very grateful for what I took home, not so much in material things, but in thinking for myself. Mondo inspired me to publish a similar magazine in Dutch, called Ego2000, and has been a source of contacts and new ideas for my activities in the nineties. Apart from writing and publishing this encompassed my broadcast television station in Amsterdam. This Kleurnet channel (colored net) produced some 8000 television programs between 1995 and 2001, covering a wide range of subjects, many with a similar focus and taste as what Mondo offered.

Mondo 2000 was a focal point where the counterculture, psychonauts and mind-researchers met, physically in Berkeley, and at various events in SF and elsewhere. They met in person, but also communicated via the then emerging email and budding internet communications of the times such as The Well. It united the greatest out-of-the box thinkers and change agents of the era, but was not a commercial success, money to pay the printer had to be found every time. Lack of commercial talent and financial savvy hampered its development so that the newer Wired was able to capture the flag of the cyberculture. Wired was more of a hit, but remained more gadget-oriented and lacked the heart and zeal of the Mondo initiative. Funny enough, founding publishers Louis Rosetto and his partner Jane Metcalfe (after their Electric Word venture in Holland) contacted me in early 1990 to ask for funding for a new magazine in the US, which later became Wired (1991 trial, 1993 first issue). Jane was a great networker and organiser and I actually employed her for a while, she set up the seminal September VR-party in my house in Hilversum, near Amsterdam. I always considered Wired as overly commercial and not so ethical and was proven right when Wired tried to go public and failed because their data were not very honest, to say the least. While many contributors wrote for both magazines, the Wired-Mondo dichotomy, the difference in focus taught me a lot about the soul, the root energy of a venture, how the initial thrust kind of shaped its future. Wired in a sense was a cheap market oriented venture, it lacked the quality and integrity of the Mondo format.

In the early Eighties (1982) I started my computer magazine publishing company, after working as a launch editor and roving reporter for Pat mcGovern of IDC/IDG, before that being employed by Fasson, Bruynzeel and Philips. As a then new journalist (I never trained as such) I travelled extensively to the USA, as the rise of the home computer (Commodore, MSX, Apple, PC) was partly a European thing with English makers like Sinclair, but obviously the USA was the motherlode for computernews. I went to shows like the NCC, the Comdex and the CES shows, often in Las Vegas, where I hooked up with the Californian crowd of computer journalists, afficionado's and hobbyists. Those were exciting years, the computer spread from the highbrow DEC/IBM scene to the home, hobbyists became involved, the Commodore 64 opened a new world of low level ICT. I rode that wave with magazines, end-user shows (PC Dumpdag), books and even a retail operation. I was familiar with computers already during my studies (Physics at Delft University and Economics in Rotterdam), in my early career followed trainings in Industrial Engineering and was groomed by Philips for an executive commercial position in telecom in a year-long worldwide training program. When the personal computer emerged, I jumped in with a 16 KB Philips P2000 unit I used for my first books about home-computers, computer games and programming and then gradually developed my publishing and writing activities in telecom, the home computer field and later in more general ICT. I am happy I went through the rigorous mathematical and physics programs at university, because it taught me to think straight and systematic, this in line with the slight Asperger syndrom behaviour I sometimes display. Apart from that I have always read extensively and my journalistic and media skills were acquired and learned by doing and supported by some guts, I was always in for a new venture.

Homebrew computers

In my travels for the computer press I met people like Lee Felsenstein, Jan Lewis, Mary Eisenhart (Microtimes), and of course Allan Lundell, Wes Thomas, Saint Silicon (Jeffrey Armstrong) Dusty Parks and friends. We were hanging out together, meeting at the computer shows in the press rooms, joined the insider parties at these events with what then were budding entrepreneurs like Gates and Philippe Kahn (Borland), and opinion leaders like John Dvorak and Jerry Pournelle. I felt part of the new wave of ICT for the masses, but as an insider. I wasn't only a journalist and writer, but invested a bit, started trading computers and basically used my publications to get in touch with interesting people. This is something I have always done, even my Kleurnet TV-station was a kind of front, a mousetrap to catch the inspiring and interesting ones, the change-agents, the mavericks.

It was, however, in those days all very straight, computers, ICT, business, the alternative wasn't on my mind, but I was connected. This all changed in 1989, I got in touch with new age thinking, had some deep and life-changing personal mystical experiences and opened up to the other, alternative side of computers, like brainmachines, mindware (Bruce Eisner's focus) and saw the much broader horizon opening with multimedia, pictures, video. There were visits to Xerox Parc, contacts with fringe scientists, hackers, game-developers; I realised that the days of alphanumeric number-crunching were over. Another notion that dawned upon me then was that data and information are not the same; “a bit is only information if it bytes” was the keyphrase I used and use to make that clear.


Then around the first big Hacker Conference august 1989 in Amsterdam (Hacktic/Paradiso) I was approached by my friend Allan Lundell (his book Virus was just out) and the famous Captain Crunch (John Draper) was there too, who proposed to me to support a new magazine, to be called Mondo 2000 and showed me a mockup. It looked fantastic, desktop publishing really applied to creative publishing, in color, with visual effects that were, at that time, revolution in action. At the closing day of this conference (The Galactic Hacker Conference/ICATA) we had a party at my house in Hilversum (25 km from Amsterdam), were many showed up. The hacker folks, the Chaos club people with Wau Holland, the local hack and Digitale Stad luminaries like Rop Gonggrijp, and Caroline Nevejan came; it was a nice party, that cemented many connections made at the hacker conference, which was in itself a major networking node in the pre-internet times (we had some email, but no web then). Allan and I dropped acid, sitting in the bathtub of my house. We talked and tripped, I decided to know God at any price, but when I came down and found some 10 Chaos guys spread around in my living room snoring and shouted, I greeted them as God, but he was with so many! We also discussed the Silicon Brotherhood idea while sitting both in that bathtub. Allan has some video from that party.

Locally this GHC stemmed from Hactic and resulted in what later became XS4all and De Digitale Stad, but I personally had little empathy for what then was labeled as technoanarchistic hacking and focussed myself on the USA and international side of things. However, this GHP brought together ‘the crucial network’ as Caroline Nevejan describes this and certainly influenced the cyberculture and cyber-counterculture. She in a way sees this as a consciously staged and orchestrated process, bridging the incommensurability (see 1962 Thomas Kuhn ‘The structure of Scientific Revolutions’) between participants. I tend to see it more as an autoconspiracy (again a notion Barlow inspired), an energetic exchange that fits the times and the place, and kind of inevitable happens. Maybe this is because I always more liked less staged parties and the mixing of people, ideas and disciplines that can then happen, more the be-in philosophy (Michael Bowen 1967). We come together because we had to, and for an outsider this might look like a conspiracy, but it is more a play. There usually is a spielmeister or facilitator, who sets the stage, but does not know or plan the outcome. This all of course has to do with my understanding of time, future and energy and how things come to pass,. The malleability of reality and the laws of nature is a major issue in my further work and development.

These events, like the GHP and the 1990 Linz Ars Electronica were pivotal events. The people that mattered in what later was coined the new edge movement met and started to make it happen.


As a result of meeting the Mondo people in Amsterdam and my promise to help them out financially, somewhat later in 1989 I went to the USA, partly because of my regular visits to computer shows and Silicon valley as a journalist/entrepreneur, but also to renew contact with Lundell and the Mondo crowd. That late summer many things happened in my life, I discovered spirituality and had some amazing mystical experiences, got in touch with the Esalen new age crowd and began to see computers in a much wider and more spiritual context. Before, I was already interested in what computers could do for psychology, like with brainmachines and even started a small shop called Egosoft. There I was selling all kind of mind-enhancing devices, the early smart drugs and all kinds of brain-tools, hypnotic audio, isolation tanks, even some magic mushrooms, stuff that was totally legal then. But in the late summer of 1989 there came the interest in the more esoteric, even the mystical aspects, like in technopaganistic work of Marc Pesce (the VRML guy) and how information is a dimension in itself, related to consciousness. These thoughts and notions have kept me busy till today, with Infotheism and the legality of Cyberspace still on my mind. Information in that sense is a path, the Silicon path, as in the Silicon Brotherhood Creed from 1989 (see below).

In the USofA

In the USA that autumn I got more in touch with the Mondo house and the Mondo crowd, even stayed there for some time. I wasn't so much working on the magazine, but just being helpful, paying for the first Apple Postscript laserprinter, for food and many things as cash was rather scarce in those days, except when Ken was able to do some substance-deals, he had the most amazing collection of weird psychedelics. It was an old house, above a creek and fairly complex of structure, with offices and rooms tucked away here and there. Alison Kennedy and Ken (RU Sirius) were living there, Jas Morgan was running around and the whole house was full of rubble, books, stuff, ideas, notes and half-worked articles. Alison and Ken then were in a strange quasi-relationship, there were lovers and would-be lovers (a guy kind of lived in a van outside), many guests and some people working on the magazine. One of them was Linda Murman, then with Allan Lundell, who did some admin and money chasing. I had a great time there, not doing much apart from sending editorial articles back to my magazine-staff. I remember that as the place was messy, even filthy, with rubble everywhere, I tried to clean here and there. One day I decided to clean out the big fridge in the kitchen, and kind of put aside or in the bin the weird little packages there that I thought were just old pieces of meat or something. This caused a panic, as there wasn't only a bear's penis, but also spider venom and a few other outlandish ingredients, related to Alisons work/hobby. Anyway, I met amazing people there, among them John Perry Barlow, whom I liked and had many and deep conversations with. He had an apartment on Potrero hill in SF, but his family was living in Wyoming. One day he went to visit them, I hitched a ride across the bay, and then our conversation was so animated, that I stayed with him (I could always take a train back was the idea) for the whole trip, some 15 hours through snow and ice, to his family house in Wyoming. I flew back after a nice meeting with his wife and kids. On my 40th birthday the Mondo people, always in for a party, especially as I was paying for the food and drinks, threw a great birthday dinner for me. Leary, Barlow, Claudio Naranjo and his wife (Enneagram), the weird professor of Asian religions Alison (Bailey) was more or less married to (a great dinner entertainer), R.U. Sirius (Ken), Linda and some more. There was a catch, however, as Alison, in her role as grand witch, had secretly decide to match/couple me to Linda. As I was not very experienced with psychedelics at that time, the kind of concoction they half-jokingly slipped me caught me by surprise. Before that summer I had never taken anything, only one toke of a marihuana cigarette when I was 16 or so. Her recipe in a way worked, I ended up with Linda in bed and for the next few months that was it. She had a house in Boulder Creek, full with Allan's stuff and took me there. As I had no car, I was kind of stranded for the week out there, I remember how I sifted through Lundell's gear. He was a writer for electronic and AV magazines, not a great organizer, but assembled the most extensive collection of video gear one could imagine, most lying around in the Boulder Creek house on the hill or stashed in a shed outside. I cleaned out a lot of rubble read, and watched video's (no web then!). Sometime in the spring of 1990 I decided to go back to Holland and pick up my activities as publisher. My company kind of ran itself, while away, I just wrote articles and editorials and emailed (complicated procedure in those days with modems and 12kbps connections) them, for the computer magazines we produced, In those days there were magazines for specific machines like Commodore, Atari, PC-DOS, MSX and one about general computer news.


I was (at that time and still) an outspoken and somewhat obnoxious journalist, publisher and entrepreneur, made money in ICT, and therefore a bit the “enemy” of the alternativo's in the Dutch hacker scene. When the hackers sold out for big money a few years later (Xs4all), I felt they had betrayed their original creed. I however always believed their stance was worth protecting, and the Silicon Brotherhood Creed at the end of my Virtual Reality book (written in 1990, but this creed evolved in and from meeting with Lundell in 1989) acknowledged the importance of the deviant, the alternative, independent hacker).

Barlow was, in those days, a good friend and inspirator, he spent quite some time in SF. We travelled and tripped together, he got me backstage at the Grateful Dead new years concert, we visited tradeshows and discussed the world, copyrights, God and psychedelics. His thinking inspired me a lot, I have used so many of his ideas and visions in my VR book, that I decided to put his name on the cover too. We differed in opinion in some ways, I never sided with his belief that copyrights don't matter, that information should be free. His Cyberspace Independence Declaration/Manifesto was, in the context of his EFF work, a great statement and has been very influential; one of the few articles that really address the need for clear cyberspace rights and laws. It was, at the same time, somewhat naive, expressing a belief in the power of information and freedom that didn't reckon with the traditions and forces concerning copyrights and the fear of institutions and governments for total freedom. I think Barlow was also inspired by Leary’s Declaration of Evolution (1968). The whole subject of cyberspace rights, legislature and freedom has been the subject of many articles I wrote in Dutch, also in the context of Infotheism and my personal notion of evolution as "a remembrance of the future" and what DNA is (an antenna into the future).

Sacramento 3220

The San Francisco scene in those days had (for me) two poles, one was Henry Dakin's outfit on Sacramento 3220 (Henry’s Playhouse full with non-profits and secret Apple multimedia lab, SF-Moscow Teleport, Jack Sarfatti, later Faustin Bray), the other was the Mondo House, up the hill a bit in Berkeley. Henry was a humble and softspoken millionaire, heir to the Dakin Toys fortune, but fascinated by the alternative, be it waterbirth, East-west bridging, dolphins, new physics (Jack Sarfatti), Damanhur or psychedelics. He facilitated so many, and was so helpful in organizing, promoting and financing the new, the different, the small and great innovators, I always liked him and his gentle approach. He was easy, slept in the back of my Egosoft new-edge shop in Amsterdam, he was an inspiration for me and many.

The Mondo house, with Queen Mu in charge and at the purse (and the editing!), was a different story. More egocentric, Mondo wasn't about helping the world, it was an ego-statement by what my kids called catch-up hippies, flippo's obsessed with the new, the different, who saw the potential of the new technology, as a mind changing and world changing tool. The spirituality that Henry Dakin lived was part of the Mondo culture too, but more as a tool, an experience, as part of the psychedelic awareness, the transcendental in action. Of course the house was full with esoteric art and books, all present were very well read. With people like Claudio Naranjo (enneagram), Barlow and Jaron Lanier around, philosophy and spirituality were part of the daily smorgasboard of discussions and exchanges, but not in a formal way. Although all had some deeper understanding and awareness of the mystical, transcendental or deep contemplative was not on the agenda. Many had (had) contacts with Alan Watts or John Perry and the beat-generation poets like Ginsberg were not far off, but Mondo was more worldly than that. It made connections with the New Physics crowd via Nick Herbert (and Fred Wolf), dabbled in whatever was new in arts and music, but kind of stayed away from the health scene, the new age body work, Gaia folks and soul searching. But there was enough, the connections from Mondo with what was happening in the Bay area and beyond were fascinating, I really laid the foundation of my network there, which became the basis for my later work (writing, television, esoteric studies) and inspires me till today.


Before Lundell and friends made me aware of Mondo and got me involved, I was familiar with the technological side of things, the ICT industry and its outgrowth into brain machines, mind technology, but was not really hip to the general counterculture of those days, I was more a new age person with an ICT interest. Of course when I got to the Mondo house, I catched up, I have seen en read the earlier publications where Ken was involved, High Frontiers and Reality Hackers, but those were more traditional in appearance and layout. It was Mondo (and of course Bart Nagel and Heide Foley who made that jump in layout perspective happen) that really opened up to PostScript and the integrated layout possibilities that so markedly made Mondo 2000 a new wave in publishing.

When the Mondo people asked for support, I donated money to help print the first issue, as did John Perry Barlow and I also subsequently helped out here and there with some funds and became international distributor, not with much success. It came down to pre-order and prepay some 800 issues (and that helped to get in printed anyway) every run, have them shipped to some distributors in the Netherland and England. However I never made money out of Mondo and ended up with serious stacks of Mondo's, still in my cellars.

As Ken was not only a keen observer and gifted writer, he also supplied all kinds of things to the Bay area cognoscenti and therefore had a real interesting network. Psychedelics were the not so secret but illegal link between the various subworlds of art, literature, music, new age and technology. Morgan, Ken, Alison, St. Jude (Jude Milhon/Hippie) were all broadly interested, but in different directions, with different networks and it was this convergence that was the hallmark of Mondo. They covered the whole gamut of alternativity, with a distinct "highness" underlying the meetings, events and discussions.

As this was Bay Area and Silicon Valley was close, the link with the computer industry was easy and logical, There was the money and the excitement, in those days everybody looked at the new possibilities, were it in music with synthesizers, in broadcasting with digital media, in entertainment with the emerging computer games, and virtual reality was definitely the magic potion that would free us from the limitations of space and time, the ultimate trip, the electronic drug. Most of the people involved had a sixties background, although there were also the catch-up hippies like myself, who missed out but were fascinated by the likes of Leary and the Zeitgeist of the sixties.


New Edge

The term New Edge -as in bridging information technology and new age-is a phrase that kind of developed between me and Barlow and was first used in print in the Ego2000 magazines I published in the Netherlands, and later was used by the Mondo crowd. In the new edge hacking, virtual reality and alternative (psychedelic) reality came together with the new age ideas of ecology, sustainable ecology, self-development and body awareness. The MONDO 2000 User's Guide to the New Edge by Rudy Rucker, R. U. Sirius & Queen Mu, came in 1992 (Eds HarperPerennial). Funny enough there was no connection with the Bhagwan/Osho movement, Osho died in 1990 and was a major alternative movement or with TM (Marahishi).

The new age folks in those days were a bit anti-computer, a kind of neo-Luddite stance, and certainly didn't see computers as spiritual and psychological self improvement tools. The New Edge obviously did. The great amalgam of the Web information exchange hadn't happen and movements developed still more or less independently. Internet with at that time limited (text only) email (the WWW-internet really started happening in 1993. I remember Barlow at the first (and last) New Edge Conference in Amsterdam that I organised in may 1993 as an evangelist preaching the WWW-revolution, validating and appraising the then half-underground pioneering work of Rop Gonggrijp and the Digitale Stad. That I-Conference in itself with Lundell and friends, Barlow, The Extopy and BoingBoing editors (Max Moore and Frauenfelder), Werner Pieper, St.Silicon, Captain Crunch and many others was again an amazing meeting of the high-tech counterculture luminaries of the time.

The convergence, or rather the undercurrent of psychedelic consciousness in the computer scene in the 80s and 90s was not an isolated phenomenon, I have interviewed many luminaries who admitted that LSD or other highs had given them the inspiration for breakthrough work, like Philip Glass and John Allen of Biosphere2. Stan Grof, the Arica people, the whole new age movement with Esalen (Big Sur) as a focal point was (unofficially) very aware of the potential of the psychoactive substances. XTC and other more chemical entheogen concoctions were coming up in those days, the Shulgins were of course pivotal in that development. The Mondo crowd was more than familiar with what happened in the psychedelic world, they were the spider in the web. It was of course Ken who had the best connections with the likes of Leary and McKenna, both flagbearers in the psychedelic movement and both with good contacts in Europe, with Albert Hofmann and Werner Pieper (Grune Zweig) and Frazer Clark and Rupert Sheldrake (and the Huxleys) and the Beckley foundation in the UK. I have met Terence and Leary many times, drove the Shulgins around Europe, stayed at Tim's house, met very interesting people there and was with him at his house some months before he died and already was very ill. Tim was a hyper-optimist, always positive and stimulating new ideas and projects. His theatrical side, I accompanied him at some of his lecture tours, going from venue to venue, was often acting clownlike and over the top on stage. In private and at his Hollywood home he showed his other personality, he was a great host, had an immensely creative mind and was always open to the new, the hip, the different. He had early seen the importance of information technology as a broad tool and predicted the Cold War would end because of the exchange of information. He developed, still in the Commodore 64 days, psychological computer programs, a category that Bruce Ehrlich (Eisner) of the Island group called Mindware. His work in that direction was groundbreaking, but alas the development of mindware has kind of stopped, here and there the game industry comes up with psychological profiling and sometimes bio-feedback, but the category kind of died out. That is, as publicly available tools, the whole profiling trend with Google and the social networks and the security industry is applied psychology, fishing and mining data like search patterns, contact links for patterns and indicators that predict commercial or other (deviant) behavior.

Tim was very positive and stimulating, when in early 1990 I suggested a VR-conference in Amsterdam he was enthusiastic, promised to come but also supported my plan/ idea about writing a book, at that time a kind of conference book, and promised to write and send some chapters. He actually did and this convinced and pushed me to actually produce the Virtual Reality book that came out later in 1990. Some of the visits to Tim were with Barlow, I remember we went to LA with Linda Murman and found Eric Gullichsen there, demonstrating his VR-gear. Leary was a pioneer thinker and evangelist of how psychedelics and esoteric paradigms fit in with high-tech and personal computers, he was well ahead of the world there. The Mondo connection gave him the possibility to spread that insight (or should we say belief) to the world. Tim was, at he end of the eighties, no longer seen as a serious scientist or even opinion leader, but through Mondo he got connected again to at least the mainstream counterculture. There Mondo was pioneering the spider-approach or what is now called the star-fish model of open connectivity (The Starfish concept by Ori Brafman and Rod Beckstrom). Everybody was equal (until the editing pencil of Queen Mu that is) and although there was a lot of internal struggle (relationships and money usually), towards the external world there was great openness.

Tim Leary was not only a keen observer, he was an optimist, saw a post-planetary future, and can be described as an technologically informed utopist. He believed, and this is were the new-edge definition comes up, that technology was the bridge, held the promise for human salvation and happiness. Psychedelics were part of that bridge, but they were also technology, like computers, smart drugs, life-extension, brain machines, mindware. Although we were all influenced by science fiction, and the SciFi writers were part of the scene, I personally had some connection with SF author and IT-columnist Jerry Pournelle who also lived in LA, we believed that what is formed in the mind eventually would yield a reality result. The progress in IT was only possible because there were dreams and visions, all the great inventions came from people who dared to dream, the computer interface is a great example.


I remember a trip to Las Vegas with Linda Murman and Barlow, we visited Leary on the way from SF via LA, did the Consumer Electronics Show with its gadgets, new electronic wonderthings and some VR demo-ing, the Jan Lewis foot-massage press-event in the Landmark hotel across from the Convention Halls, and at the last day bought some cheap watches. WE then drove back via Death valley and took some acid when we went over Daylight pass. In the mood of the moment we then buried those watched in a ritual attempt to forget about time and tried to get over the Sierra's passes to the coast. This didn't work, as they were barred because of snow, so we had to go all the way north past Mono Lake (a impressive salt lake) and up to lake Tahoe and then back to SF. Barlow, stoned to his ears, tried to cross over before, turned off the car lights in order not to alarm the cops and we drove, in a snow-ridden landscape, in the dark on those mountain road. It was fantastic, we thought we saw UFO's, discussed the world and then suddenly Barlow stopped, seemingly for no reason. He turned on the lights, and at about 50 yards there was a chain over the road, obviously to prevent cars to cross the mountain pass there. But I will always remember that moment, for if Barlow would not have stopped, we would have hit the chain with maybe fatal results; was this LSD, God or just luck?


Ars Electronica September1990; Linz

see also


The Austrian city of Linz had a yearly festival around electronic art, much about video and video art, but in 1990 virtual reality was the big thing. The spielmeister was Peter Weibel, who brought together a set of people in a setting I have not seen since, even the much acclaimed TED conferences didn't bring this kind of creative change agents together. Virtual Reality was already there as a research and innovation trend in the late eighties, becoming a fashionable thing and in the USA I had seen quite a few demo's, like the session early January 1990 with Erich Gulliches at Tim Leary's Hollywood house. There was a lot of talk, a lot of competition, the big ones like AutoCad and the small upstarts like Sense8 (Eric Gullichsen), Vivid Effect from Canada, and of course VPL van Jaron Lanier, who defended his rights to the word Virtual Reality. This was done mostly by his somewhat deviant wife of the times, who was also a guest at my party in 1990 and then took some LSD with Barlow, really scaring my kids when playing out their weird trip in my downstairs salon.

Although it wasn't made part of the press-releases and business plans to attract seed money for VR-research, but psychedelics played a major role in VR-development, oftentimes one experimented with the systems using various substances, also sex (Ted Nelson coined dildonics) was part of the VR fascination. Virtual Reality was seen as a major breakthrough, as the psychedelici realized that this was a way to demonstrate that reality is a construction of the mind, and a great tool for psychological (re)-programming. This was one of the rasons Leary was so interested, here was potentially a technological drug, an electronic psychedelic.

Linz was an event that has shaped the development of VR, but also the development of Mondo and the New Age movement, it brought together the writers (SF), the techies (developers), the hackers (Chaos Computer Club), the entrepreneurs, the thinkers, the artists, the counterculture press and a couple of real change agents, like Barlow. Later I learned that even people from a whole different realm like Ra Uru Hu, a maverick astrologer who received or imagined the Human Design System, a great inspiration for my thinking in later years.

This was, for me, the meeting that rang true as a energy exchange and creative chaos event, where so many contacts and ideas and plans surfaced or were born, that I consider it o par with what must have happened in de Socrates/Plato times, in Gottingen early in the 20-th century with the physicist (Bohr etc.), a once in a lifetime creative fire. I went there, because some of my friends went there, and found myself amidst the great techno-minds of that time, but also the literary geniuses and artists. The program itself I hardly followed, but talking with participants, speakers and messing around with the demo equipment, it was an impressive time. I was familiar with many of the speakers and luminaries there, via my Mondo-connection, my own publications, my work with brainmachines and my visits to the USA. So I joined the dinners and informal meetings, sitting in very Austrian pubs and places around the Linz market, it was a feast meeting all those people, participating in their discussions and getting inspired about the possibilities of this new way of using and integrating computers and information technology. There were interesting meetings, like with Morgan Russell, an early Mondo dropout who had some rights to the title and later (from Vienna or Hungary I believe) obtained archives and copies of Mondo.

The list of speakers and participants read like a Mondo 2000 article list, with Jaron Lanier, Warren Robinett, Brenda Laurel, Marvin Minsky, Timothy Leary, John Perry Barlow, Bruce Sterling, William Gibson, Jeffrey Shaw, Marvin Minsky and many, many others like Fluxus artist Willem de Ridder, de Vasulka's (video pioneers), Richard Teitelbaum, Ivan Sutherland, Scott Fisher, les Virtualistes, Erich Gullichsen, Vivid (Vincent John Vincent), Chuck Blanchard, Scott Fisher, Ron Reisman, Derrick de Kerckhove (M.McLuhan Institute), Rudolf Kapellner, Ernst Graf, David Dunn, the Dutch Bilwet people and also Terence McKenna. Terence and Leary were the acknowledged leaders of the psychedelic movement, both were well within the Mondo tribe and since Linz Barlow and Leary started their tours and performances together. I remember how fiercely Barlow attacked Minsky, and his meat computer approach. There was the deeper spiritual touch that wasn't on the program and went mostly unnoticed, but in private conversations all the luminaries familiar with psychedelics expressed their deep spiritual roots, which didn't surprise me, but enhanced my interest in the whole movement. Quantum Physicist Nick Herbert, later a good friend of mine, was in the program-book, but I don't remember him being there, and when in Amsterdam at my 50th birthday in 1999, he claimed that was his first visit to Europe.


The Ars Electronica festival had presentations, paid tickets for presenters and awarded prizes like the NICA's, but they always seemed to have gone to the wrong people, the real change agents were other people and although Linz made this annual festival a kind of hallmark event for the city, with a special museum around it, recently extended, and a Futurelab, I have a feeling they never reached the impact of the 1990 event again.


As I was planning a VR event later that year, I started producing a book about Virtual Reality somewhere in 1990, that was ready in a few copies for the party with Leary and Barlow and the famous VR-garden party at my house, basically bringing together all the relevant articles, although translated in Dutch, obviously nobody would give me permission for an English publication. This book, however, is really still the best collection of relevant material about the early VR-thinking and contains many contributions, but also illustrates my main focus always has been " a bit is only information if it bytes" meaning that information is more than data and that our present mountains of digital data have little meaning if they don't bring real change. In that book many ideas and suggestions about the use of computers and information technology were written up, some so outlandish they have not been realized even today, like the ego-processor unit next to the CPU, GPU and also the general notion of Information as a new religion pops up there.


The VR event did happen, a few weeks after Linz and apart from Leary's appearance in Paradiso (jointly organized with Ben Posset) the most important meeting was the garden party afterwards in my house. Many people came to Amsterdam after Linz, and they all assembled at my Hilversum house. Barlow, Leary, Lanier's wife, les Virtualistes, the Vivid people (Vince and Sue), Dusty, many local luminaries like Simon Vinkenoog, quite unexpectedly Ted Nelson showed up, this was the party of my life! Everybody was totally relaxed, everybody mixed and I remember that I was actually watching the crowd form behind the trees in my garden, moved to tears. later I have met people in the USA, who told me that they were once at a party in the Netherlands, that was so impressive and stimulating, they remembered it ten, fifteen years later. Who the host was, they didn't know, but they did remembered the place, the people, the atmosphere.


In Europe, there were cyberactivities here and there, the hackers kept busy and had large scale events in Holland (thanks to Rop Gonggrijp cs), some virtual reality events, of course the New Edge Amsterdam conference in 1993 with Barlow, Max More, Mark Frauenfelder, Lundell, Dusty Parks and many others, there was activity everywhere. I published Ego2000 in 1990, Wave of Walter de Brouwer, followed in Belgium in 1994 (he has been quite an entrepreneur and figure in cyberspace since), in England good old Fraser Clark was the zippy man, he eventually spend some time with the Mondo crowd in Berkeley. Mondo as such was not widely distributed, but the cognoscenti knew about it, and through the New Edge Conference in 1993 most of the cyberactivists and hackers came together and mixed. The digital city folks and their crowd, including Mediamatics, Bilwet and de Waag developed and became a scene in itself, quite influential, but relying on government subsidies. Their focus was more on community and art and applied technology, less on the philosophical and esoteric, I myself was more involved with the Ruigoord community and my publishing and entrepreneural activities (for IT-magazines and Ego2000, for my Egosoft shop, my software activities (MSX) and later for the television channel). This did bring me all over the world, also to Japan where I had some contacts with Joey Ito and Kay Nishi. I traveled to Tibet, Nepal and India and usually connected with the alternative scene and writers there.

Mondo compared to other magazines

Apart from the obvious Wired, there were new age magazines and gadget magazines, but the convergence in Mondo was quite unique. Of course there were also hacker magazines and Extropy and BoingBoing, but as nobody really made money, there was no competition, more a camaraderie. As a professional publisher with quite some staff in those days in my Amsterdam operation (some 20 plus) I was amazed at how Mondo operated. They had some administrative people, notably Linda, but I never figured out how sales and acquisition were happening, it was mostly personal contacts I presume, but then I had little daily operational involvement. The Wired people were far more commercial, lied through their teeth about their success, which at a publishing conference in Zurich kind of got debunked publicly, they were not very ethical, but who is in big time publishing, ad-selling is like that. Many people (Negroponte was also a shareholder and columnist, I assumed (wrongly, Rosetto has pointed out) that Eckhart Wintzen was a private shareholder and used his public company's ad-budget, he obviously was proud to be involved in some way) used Wired for ego-boosting. Barlow once remarked, in a Wired Video, that media were not about informing, but about selling eye-balls to advertisers, I wonder if he wasn't poking fun at Wired then. I never liked Wired, it was too material, too hard. Maybe this is because I turned Louis Rosetto and Metcalfe down earlier, but I never trusted the Wired approach and in the end their great plans of going public failed because of those reasons and finally the magazine was sold to a big time publisher, Conde Nast. Jane was a great human contact talent, she made this September 1990 garden party at my house a real success, but I couldn’t afford to hire her longterm. Of course many or in fact most contributors of Mondo ended up writing for Wired (and were paid, something Mondo couldn't).

Mondo on the other hand never really was run as a business, it was a hobby, a social engineering venture and that by people with not so much interest or ability in the competitive world of publishing. Alison spend her heritage (and a lot of energy and talent) on the project, there were sponsors and benefactors, but Mondo was more an art-project than a business. The same was true for my Dutch publication Ego2000, we made seven or eight issues, never made money. As the owner of the Sala Communications corporate structure however, it was my prerogative to have a hobby publication and it fitted well with my little Amsterdam cybershop Egosoft and my interests in what happened in the USA with Mondo. The editorial in Ego2000 covered roughly the same subjects as Mondo, I of course interviewed many of the Mondo contacts, added local content and articles, my travelogues, meetings all over the world, my hero's of the time, it was obviously an ego-document. Kyra Kuitert was my main editorial assistant and we had fun making it, nobody asked nasty questions about cost or income. I had the money, the same as with my television channel Kleurnet a few years later, it was my thing and who would stop me, as long as the general Sala Communications corporation (I had shops and many other activities, digital picture library activities, computer shows and publications) made money, who cared? For me, work never was work, it was personal development mixed with fun and a chance to meet interesting people. The enormous list of TV-interviews and programs ( or from those days speaks for itself.

What remains of the Mondo spirit twenty years later is an interesting question, the cyberculture of gadgets and IT-connectivity has become mainstream, the future of Mondo then is a reality now in many respects. Mondo was fundamentally politically incorrect and fearless, now most media are all about fear, the new age has become a movement of fear (health, environment, 2012), not of hope. Society has lost much freedom, traded for the post 9/11 fake security that really hides the police-state and the war on people. Freedom and Security have become opposites, not the Plato span of horses with a common goal, profiling the new and sneaky discrimination tool, cyberspace not the new democracy Barlow hoped for, but more and more a repression and consumerism tool.

Mondo was a magazine for freethinkers, made by freethinkers and there was a period of about 5 years (1990-1995) that this had a real effect, but then the mood changed, the war on people (war on drugs) intensified, the status of the US as a world opinion leader went down with ever more negative news, eclipsing in the 9/11 situation. Progress since then has been the technology, internet, mobile computing and multimedia, but what really great music, art, literature or films have we really seen, what new science has evolved? We are stuck, captured in the rational and logical thinking, cut off from the spiritual and in a dead-end alley as far as science, environment and social justice are concerned. The financial crisis is not the result of manipulation by the banks and the system, we, the people and our greed (hence the focus on the material because of our deep fear and lack of hope) have caused the crisis, the banks and institutions have just provided the tools and instruments. We have lost and cut off the contact with the "other", the unseen, the irrational, the metaphysical, busy fighting our fears with our smartphones, social networks and hoping to find a solution in the digital bits. The chance we had to resize our worldview, to accept the adventure of not knowing, not being safe and thus really learning has been handed over to the always-on security of our smartphones and monitored world that will eventually lead to stagnation and loss of entrepreneural initiatives. We are less creative, less daring, and as I personally confront this trend in public appearances and in publications of many kinds I am very disappointed that even the so-called spiritual and cultural leaders of our world are more concerned with their personal ego and maintaining their circles of influence than with new opportunities and vistas.


History now

Energetically the Virtual Reality wave of the 1988-1994 period has died out, VR is now a technique used in engineering, the medical but has not reached the wider society (it had some nasty health issues like now 3D) and the IT industry has focused on getting IT everywhere, all-the-time and always on. The adventure of merging and combining new technologies, new thinking, out-of-the box thinking, convergence of ontological views (i.e. the psychedelic) has stopped, we are all high-tech neo-liberals now (we think forgetting 2/3th of the world population). Mondo was positive, open, while mainstream media mostly have become closed, less pluriform, more politically correct. Mondo was a horizontal magazine, working from the premise (psychedelically inspired) that there is no ultimate truth, no general reality, there is individual truth and reality we can share and enjoy. This more horizontal paradigm does find its way, now very noticeable. I think the (as yet not recognized) changeover from vertical (screen) computing to horizontal touch computing (tablets and pads tilted the interface fundamentally) will have a profound effect on hierarchical organization to come. It's hard to keep the boss-subordinate model going when discussing things over a pad and with close finger-contact.

The internet has changed the world, and only BoingBoing has remained from those Mondo times, Wired is a gadget-oriented quasi-intellectual mainstream publication, and the Mondo crowd has spread out, Tim, Terence and many others are no longer there, and I am amazed that it took only fifteen years before the academic world started to be interested in what they now call late-century cyberculture and spirit. We will see how accurate and valid they will portray the Mondo and New Edge movement.

Luc Sala, Breyell 2012





Leonardo: E-ISSN: 1530-9282 Print ISSN: 0024-094X

Spielmann, Yvonne.
Ars Electronica: Facing the Future (review)
Leonardo - Volume 34, Number 2, April 2001, pp. 161-162

The MIT Press

Yvonne Spielmann - Ars Electronica: Facing the Future (review) - Leonardo 34:2 Leonardo 34.2 (2001) 161-162 Book Review Ars Electronica: Facing the Future Ars Electronica: Facing the Future edited by Timothy Druckrey. MIT Press, Cambridge, MA, and London, U.K., 1999. Ars Electronica started in Linz, Austria, in 1979 as a festival concerned with the future of arts, technology, society and culture and their interdisciplinary crossings in the face of a new millennium. Over the past 20 years the festival has invited experts for debates on topics such as computers and culture, possible relations between the human (brain) and the computer (machine), sciences and arts, as well as other fields of synergy -- most recently "Life Sciences." The festival also provides the Prix Ars Electronia for computer animation, interactive arts, net-works and digital music. Facing the Future is a book of collected essays that Timothy Druckrey has compiled together with Ars Electronica to historically, theoretically and also practically reflect upon steps toward developing and thinking the "digital" on the eve of the third millennium. Starting from the themes of the...



The Silicon Br/otherhood :

` We acknowledge the Silicon Path '

By Luc Sala and Allan Lundell
Hilversum, August 14, 1989

The computer and information technology, with the word Silicon as its main symbol, is one of the identifiers of the 20th century. This has challenged some to explore its possibilities beyond the mere superficial, utilitarian aspects of it. In arts, media, psychology, Artificial intelligence, consciousness projects, religion and creative crime, new applications are discovered and new interactions mapped. As has happenend in the history mathematics, the quabala, martial arts, building technology etc., such powerful new knowledge is first applied to the relatively mundane fields of economics, warfare and the suppression of people before one acknowlegdes and then explores the transcendental possibilities.
All through the ages people have concentrated on parts of the reality to gain access to the greater or even ultimate reality in themselves and the perennial wisdom of our species and the earth, our Silicon Mother Goddess.

The computer offers us new, and at the same time, age-old, possibilities of concentration and expansion, of communication and isolation, ego-discovery and letting go, that are largely untapped. Those who are now so deeply involved in the computer are, even unconsciously, part of a new tradition, the Silicon Path.

Now we, the initiators, explorers, guardians and even exploiters of the Silicon awareness revolution are concerned about its uses and abuses, and above all, acknowlegde its potential for growing awareness and human transcedence. We owe today's hackers and whiz- kids, and ourselves, the opportunity to follow the Silicon Path, becoming the magi(cians) and mystics of our times. If the computer is nothing but another way to get in touch with the ultimate reality (and what else could it be), it needs some `small' br/others to safeguard that path.

Hilversum, The Netherlands
August 1989