To live in the Shadow of the Love of God

The basic idea behind MySTeR is that YOU ARE WELCOME
This sounds a bit vague and new-agy, but it is based on a fairly sound structure of businesses, experiences, relationships, contacts and a bit of grace.
It is maybe good to tell you a little bit about myself, as the originator of this center (with many people helping me of course, notably Jolanda and Richard)
I am Luc Sala, a Dutch entrepreneur, writer, poet and since 1982 publisher of computer magazines for the Dutch market, including - once - an MSX-devoted magazine. I was involved in many computer shows, alternative festivals and events, like the first New Edge Ritual in 1993 and I wrote a book about Virtual Reality (in Dutch) with John Perry Barlow, published in september 1990. Since the end of the eighties I am more and more looking for the relationship between people, society and the computer.
This has led to a company called Egosoft ( specialising in brainmachines, mindware, smart drinks and hypnotic audio/video.

Catharina and myself set up Myster in march 1995, as it seemed logical - through my experience with several magazines like Computer Info and Net-INFO, that people needed a place to meet in the flesh, but more important I wanted a kind of laboratory to see what people were actually doing with e-mail, internet, videophones etc. You can try anything at your editorial office, but you need real people if you want to know what they want. We already had two large web-sites ( and and wanted to get in touch with our customers. As Myster is pretty large, we can have some 300 people there, the place is also suitable for conferences and lectures.

We choose to become involved in the internet and the web, because at that time (my Internet-site of 5000 pages dates from september) It seemed the logical choice not to go with a service like Aol or CompuServe, in Europe the alternatives like Compuserve are more expensive and less applicable and geared towards the situation here What do we get from it?
Experience, and the truth is that an Internet cafe is not really such a good business, most customers are from overseas (USA, many scandinavian) and just come to do email.
That is in fact my observation after a few months, the web has no appeal for experienced people, they do mostly e-mail, send electronic postcards from Amsterdam, but very little web-surfing. This in turn has led me to seriously doubt the future of the net in its present WWW.form.
This has led to my belief, that the Web is actually in danger, unless we find real interesting applications and ways to make people do something with it.

Data is no Info, the stuff you get off all those pages doesn't really change you. We need to re-structure the whole thing, make it more real, more local and more human. How, I don't really know, but looking into the depth's of Cyberspace is a new science altogether, isn't it? Luc Sala
etc........ >> >.