MAKIBAKA: the Struggle to Win
(quasi-report on recent events)
MA-KI-BA-KA (Makibaka- is Freedom Struggle-
as the world's political prisoners havbin doing
as the well-knit network of Filapina Women ar doing
as the 291 brave people in the Philippines prisons
ar doing holding out strong for almost a month,..
now many say it'll be definite "Freedom or Death"
to alert the world ov their insanely unjust extra-
judicial sentences to life behind barrd walls
so sadly the same, all ar charged with murder...
(yet nobody saw any corpses at all)... In fact,
this incredibl fascist dictat lacks any legality
It is a grim tyranno-saurus' mind-bind that
these heroes shall overcome...
So battle-lines havbeen drawn by the brutal batons of
demonic dimwits. President's Palace Guards who batterd
& bloodied the heads & bodies of courageous protesters.
Supporting demands of unjustly captiv Filipino patriots,
hundreds took to the streets They rallied infrontov tha
Congress Building in Manila... Many hundreds coming to
support these true patriots. "The 291" on Hunger Strike
since 3 January upto now & on to hyhlyht their plyht
thru the world media... As "Freedom's better than food"
one striker says. As the Pope too then flew to Manila
to visit his "most faithful fold", but hope for his help
faded as he fully ignord thir plyht.
The demonstrators Solidary with the hunger-strikers
are nonviolent people from all walks of life: students,
workers, women, farmers and many others venting their
anger on this US backd fascist puppet regime. Ramos
(elected as President by a mere 30%) then had the gall
to imprison for life as alleged killers all these
Filipino true patriots who'd spend theirs days & nyhts
working to wipe out miserabl living conditions. So
degrading for the many very poor people they've known
in the worst ov the 1000s ov 'barrios ov misery` found
all over these army-patrold neocolonialized islands...
So heavily oppressd, so long exploited as they are
that the nation's greatest income is repatriated wages ov
its biggest export: Desperate Fleeing People.
So despotically slappd into prison. Filipino patriots.
Who, for human rights sake put their lives at stake--
to liberate compatriots. Their beloved neybors. In the
poorest barrios. Who can hardly (many don't) survive.
These worst conditions. This brutal minimal living.
That humiliates any human. And for the most part: Over
80%: Peasants... Then there are the urban workers,..
the elders,.. th'women & children.
All still suffering. All forms of oppression.
All while Ramos pretends to "modernize":..Hunger,
Malnutrition, Gang Rape, Forc'd Prostitution,
Sickness, Misery, and premature Death.
So shamefully many infants die. Then the rot & rats
ovtha garbage dumps, the paramilitary death squads,
armord army & smart bomber planes all these,
are The Actual Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse !!!!
So, Now is the Time! MA-KI-BA-KA, for People united
in this Freedom Struggle, to chant loud & clear:
(as We with Bayan International had done this
Thursday before the Philippines Embassy in the Hague...)
Since they must be free to continue their just battle
to liberate the downtrodden, the deprived they know or
meet, to help them sow the seed, plow & till the soil
ovtha liberated countryside, coastline, mountainside.
To revitalize the Village, Town, City & inter-island
Peoples Community. All Peoples One to beat the demons of
Ignorance, Oppression, Exploitation, Disease & Greed.
To Chase Manhattan's Wall Street Financial Elite out
minus the Loot Capital they took...
And to set up Free Peoples Banks to fairly fund Popular
Projects with regaind natural wealth from the fields,
groves & vines; from the mines & oil rigs (if need be)
on land, coastal waters or deep seas... Programs these
devoted political prisoners when freed woud know well
how to carry thru...
To open up chances to fulfill some longterm dreams...
Make for a healthy & prosperous Society where Justice,
Peace will prevail. Where mutual Education & Realization
can take place. Where the new Visions & Values can carry
the various connected communities onto a high prospect
looking eagerly ahead to meet the Dawning
ovtha Next Millenium in spaces & places
where all good people can gather or live.
Then BAYAN (over 1,000,000 United Filipino People)
joindwith NDF's broad civil coalition has all its
needed support for the NPA (New Peoples guerrilla Army)
to win back the land and begin building a True Peoples Democracy.
Guided by the Creativ Spirit motivating newly liberated
areas, the new popular Democracy works out its promise.
One that creates & effectuates the new values, and such
sound structures they'll be a real delyht to live & be
in. Like any good home, game, book, drama, sailboat etc.
So these precious prisoners hav to be free as the birds
and sing popular songs that lift & liven their spirits.
Songs like those ovtha tribal people ovtha Cordillera's
mountains... People from Llocos Norte and Llocos Sur,
home provinces in Northern Luzon ov Ka Tony Zumel &
ov Ka Joma Sison, between the hyh Cordilleras
and the deep blue South China Sea
The songs of Salidumay the anthem ovtha
CPDF (Cordillera Peoples Democratic Front)
ovtha Benguet, Ka Cesar Taguba's province
like Panangidadanes a nailian --
th'4 main nations some oppressd nations
Ibandera ovthe CPDF their red flag waving hyh
th'movement ovtha masses Timpuyog iti masa
Prente ti panagkaykasa Intero kordilyera
Unified Front ovth'Entire Cordillera
Listen! the polyphonic riddims & chants
say the people will win
Win over the sad statistics of oppression
the million & a half children begging
and vending in the streets
the 250 kids who die a day
of diarrhea, measles & pneumonia
diseases any honest government
that cares can easily prevent
And the people will win over
the US-backd fascist Aquino cum Ramos' regime's
military terror bombing warplanes, rockets & cannons
that not long ago laid flat a Cordillera village
that is now a nasty scar across the belly ov
the lovely Marag Valley;
troops looting & destroying food stores & livestock,
driving the peopl into caves adding to the 100,000s
ov poor nativ Filipinos forc'd to flee every year
So the leaders ov farming peopls who work to free
them, ar among the political prisoners,
who must be free to guide their peopl & help rebuild
their beloved village
To win back the land & culture ovtha Cordilleras
as well as ovthe Entire Philippine Archipelago.
Robin Redbreast
- recorded by hand and interaction of eyes, ears
& speech; for revitalizing mind, body & heart
at Pauluskerk, Rotterdam;
2nd day of Bayan Int'l Solidary Hunger Strike
10 Jan. '94
- typd into PC, revised & extended plentily & filed
for performance, publication & reference at home,
12 Jan. '94
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