Here you'll find the latest in New Edge
The Psychonauts Trail
New Edge Magazines
Ego 2000
Boing boing
Egosoft - the Cybershop
Links we Liked; everything from New Age to Radical Behaviourism...
Spirit-WWW- Very large New Age information server
Damicon- Extensive information on Smart Drugs
The Monroe Institute- Research on the border of knowledge
Cosmic Awareness- A channelled force introduces itself
Mind Gear homepage- Brainmachines and Neurotechnology
Xochi's Homepage- Sceptic's view on New Edge
Mind Uploading- Are we simply machines?
Of Man, Mind and Machine- Can consciousness exist in alternate media?
Contours of the Mind- Art; Fractals, Feedback and Chaos
Star Trek- The Essential Archive
The X-Files- Mystery & Magic
... and some New-Edge related discussion forums:
Mind-L- An unmoderated New Edge discussion forum
alt.psychoactives- Everything from brainmachines to smart drugs
talk.religion.newage- The main New Age forum On how to live long & healthy
sci.virtual-worlds- Build your own universe
alt.astrology- You guessed it; Astrology
alt.hypnosis- What's possible & what's not
alt.paranormal- A conference in the clouds
alt.paranet.paranormal- A more scientific approach
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