KLEURNET - KLEURNET EN MySTèR Media: Cyberspace Now

Kleurnet as the continuation of Myster, was until sept 2001, a unique and privately owned local television station dedicated to the cross-cultural Cyberspace experience.
Cyberspace is here defined as the imaginary space in which we communicate ideas and concepts, in the form of art, literature, images or poetry, cultural events, exhibitions, including the latest forms like of Internet communities, Virtual Reality but not without honoring the age-old verbal and ritual traditions of great teachers and shamans.

Our archives/ library of interviews/documentaries, available at cost to local TV stations
AmSTERdam is a `hot' city but Kleurnet was one of the `coolest' programmes/stations on the local cable network. Providing in-depth information about the cybertrends of today, tomorrow and yesterday it served those who are genuinely interested in the spiritual side of things, trying to find the perennial connection in everyday life, art, technology as well as in history.

Television these days tends to be of the MTV-variety, very fast, clippy and without much attention for content.
Form reigns and the young generation seems to pick this up as the hypnotic suggestion to only skin the surface of everything.

Kleurnet tried, within the vision of micromedia, to make television in a different style and with much more emphasis on content, with typically fairly long and deep interviews with those people, who see the connection between their own work and the world in a spiritual or religious context.

Kleurnet - Myster media was a relatively small organisation, closely related to the Kalverstudio / Myster Cybercenter in Amsterdam.

It can be reached via tel. (31)-20-6202970 fax 31-20-6253280, email sala@euronet.nl
oct 2002