Is there more to silicon than meets the eye or the screen?
I wonder, is there hidden knowledge about the digital thing that has yet
to be discovered. Does digital magic exist or is it just the same old illusion on a a screen?
In 1989 Alan Lundell and I (after the Amsterdam
Galactic)Hacker Party - ICATA - set up a
thing called " Silicon (br)Otherhood", with
the creed " we aknowledge the Silicon path". It took five year and many
adventures in the world of computers, VR and cyberspace to come to a point,
where I will seriously take this up. I believe, that Silicon, the gaia,
chips and consciousness are not all so different, and that there is wisdom
to be shared.
We have a cybercenter called Myster Kalverstudio (Singel 459, 1012
WP Amsterdam) with TV and Internet-facilities.
Now we could call this a studio or media-centre, but I like to call
it a mystery-school, a place where Cybernauts with a spiritual inclination
can learn about the deeper levels of Cyber-consciousness and Net-awareness.
Just as the quest of the Alchemist for the gold from lead had a deeper
meaning, the search for the ultimate web, the last significant bit or the
killer-virus has deeper meaning, both on a personal and a reality level.
Cyber-magic is yet to be developed, but it does have meaning.
Why not make Myster and this Internet-site a place to bring together
the ideas, dreams and practical exercises? People can meet in cyberspace
or in person, we have facilities like video-phones but also lots of space
and opportunities to organise conferences etc. like we did the new Edge
Now to make this happen it is not enough to spread knowledge, maybe
we don't need the knowledge but is it the nowness of the net that will
turn out to be the magic ingredient. Magic on the net, ritual meetings,
geometric internet-traffic patterns spanning the globe, chain poetry in
time and space, there are some interesting possibilities!
But above all: let's live the light.
Wisdom is not knowing
but feeling the truth
Teaching is not telling
but living it
What is information anyway: the fundamental
Is the Internet a real thing or
just hype?
Mystery sites around the world
Dutch text about the mystery school
Aforisms about computer and mind
stuff about awareness
Uncle TIM's views (Leary)
Remember the illuminati
Give me some feedback now!
Luc Sala - sala@euronet.nl
address: Singel 459 (near Munt)
Weesperstraat 103, 1018 VN Amsterdam Netherlands
Telefoon 31-20 6228871, fax 31-20 6253280
Sales & Marketing: 020-6202970
Internet: sala@euronet.nl of sala@net.info.nl
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