Mindlift video catalog:

The Kleurnet and MySTeR Interview Collections of www.mindlift.tv

We have available interviews with many people, on DV (Pal 720x576) and lower-res versions for internet and DVD



The public domain historical material  is mostly transfered from 16, 34 and 8 mm film, Umatic or other professional format tapes. As this material dates back to sometimes the 1920's, the quality is not always optimal, but we do transfer in the best possible way, direct to digital DV 576 line format in order to retain maximum quality.

There is a base of several hundreds of hours of film available, consisting of TRC licensed material (mostly 50's and 60's USA television coverage) plus am extensive public domain material archive..

The interview collection

This is recent material, mostly shot in 1996 till 2006  at various places in the world, most in our Amsterdam studio's for Myster and Kleurnet and some for Salto.

Most interviews are 2 camera setups with a length between 30 and 45 minutes, in English with Luc Sala as the interviewer.

The original medium is digital video (DV1000 camera) in PAL broadcast quality with 576 lines resolution, but it can be transferred to other media like dvd as .avi files in full resolution

Three groups of users

This material is available to four general groups of users:

    • A: Non-profit local media initiatives under the public access umbrella
    • B: Commercial or national Broadcast organisations
    • C: Commercial use for insertion in other productions.
    • D: most of our video's can be seen via websites like www.mindlift.tv or Youtube and other sites in limited quality (320x240) and length, usually 10 min excerpts or can be obtained in DVD-quality for the general public (no commercial use) at € 10 per video, to be ordered via 020-6388292, by email to sala@dealerinfo.nl or fax 31-20-6253280.

The licensing fees for the A category are very low, basically 100 $ per hour material plus disc/tape/shipping costs, creative commons license, no commercial use

For the B category the license fee for one-time airing depends on the audience and the use, but starts at $ 500 per hour for single use and goes sup to worldwide airing rights at $ 6000 per minute.

For the C category the use has to be negotiated.

For the D general public video's the material can only be used for home-viewing under creative commons license conditions

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Mindlift Beeldbankiers
Weesperstraat 103, 1018 VN Amsterdam
the Netherlands
31-(0)20-6388292 -
fax 020-6253280

For suggestions send email to sala@dealerinfo.nl.