Mindlift video catalog:
The Cartoon collection
We have many cartoons and slapstick classics from the silent film
and BandW era available. We here show still-sheets of the tapes
we have available. Some of the material is available as small
avi's too, but that requires a fast link or working from a direct
Click on images for larger pictures (downloading might be slow)
- Betty Boop:
Bed time story - 4.00
Bad baby - 3.50
Cat for sale
- Popeye:
Popeye for president
Popeye meets Ali Baba
Train buster Popeye
Olives performance
- Donald Duck

- En vele anderen zoals:
Goofy goat antics
Casper the friendly ghost
Little King
Kitty Kats
Sunshine makers
Cat Games
Fire Fire (Our gang: School'out)
Little red riding hood
Dr. Boris I persume
Keystone presents
Krazy Katz
Big Pie rage
Getting the goods
Asops Fable
Slow Poke

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Mindlift Beeldbankiers
POB 43048 , 1009 ZA Amsterdam
the Netherlands
31-(0)20-6388292 - 6202970
fax 020-6253280
For suggestions send email
to sala@euronet.nl.