Mindlift video catalog:
The MySTeR
Interview Collection
We have
available interviews with the following people, on DV SVHS PAL format in
English language.
Most interviews are 2 camera setups with a
length between 30 and 45 minutes, in English with Luc Sala as the interviewer. The
original medium is digital video (DV1000 camera) with 500 lines resolution, but
it can be transfered to other emdia
like Umatic, SVHS, Hi-8 or SP.
Our Interview library
- Timothy Leary (various interviews at his Beverley Hills house, shortly before his
death may 31, 1996)
- Ram Dass (Berlin 1995)
- Deepak
Chopra (Holland 1996)
- Philip Glass (Amsterdam 1996 with Les Enfants Teribles)
- Huston
Smith (Berlin '95,
Kopenhagen '96)
- Patti
Smith (Berlin '95)
- Dalai Lama (Berlin '95 - pressconference)
- Barry
Long (Eindhoven '96)
- Robert Anton Wilson (Ca ’97)
- Peter Winter (IPC Zurich '95)
- Christopher
Hills (Boulder Creek Ca '95 en '96)
- Werner
Pieper (Heidelberg '96)
- Albert
Hofmann (Heidelberg
'96), Basel 2005
- Terence
mcKenna (Amsterdam '94, Mexico ‘96)
- Alexander Shulgin
(Ca 98, Mexico ’96)
- Rupert
Sheldrake (England
- Nick Herbert (Ca '96)
- Tessa
Bielecki (Kopenhagen '96)
- Pannikar
(Kopenhagen '96)
- Karl
Pribham (Kopenhagen '96)
- Tich Nath
Hahn (Amsterdam '96 - speech)
- the Shamen (mr C) Amsterdam '95)
- Michael
Schuster (Amsterdam '96)
- Margo
Anand (Amsterdam '96)
- Ra Uru Hu (Human Design System) Amsterdam '95 and '96
- Michka
(Amsterdam '96)
- Joel Farb (Dr. Hemmelstein) Berkeley '96 Amsterdam '96
- Mark Pesce SF '96
- Ray
Kurzweil Belgium ‘97
- Benny Shanon (Basel 2005)
- Eli Jaxxon Bear
(Adam ’97)
- Bruce Eisner (Cal 96)
- Byron Katie ‘97
- Allen Cohen 2002
- Stephen Gaskin
- Hakim Bey
- Hans Moravec (’97)
- Michael Cremo
- and many, many others click
for more detail
or go back to www.mindlift.tv
Info: 0031-654987876 or email sala@dealerinfo.nl
Mindlift Beeldbankiers
POB 43048 , 1009 ZA Amsterdam
the Netherlands
31-(0)20-6388292 -fax 020-6253280