www.Mindlift.tv video catalog

Our Dutch/Amsterdam material

We have, apart form the spiritual material, a very large collection of video-material about Amsterdam, beauty shots, Dutch culture, arts, events like Sail and historic sites. Our stock footage library is much larger than we can put on these pages, but this site gives you an idea of the material we have available. As we believe firmly in the role of local media, we have special low pricing for local television - public access or otherwise - organisations.

Museums like Rijksmuseum, Stedelijk Museum, Lakenhal, Tropenmuseum


Aspect art video items about expositions held in Amsterdam and the Netherlands in 1997-2001 period, some hundred items of plm 15 minutes each in english.

Interviews with Willem de Ridder, Willem Oltmans, Theo Kley, Hans Plomp, Lex Goudsmit, funeral Herman Brood, Peter Gielen and many artists


- The Kleurnet-MySTeR Interview Collection

We have available interviews with many people from the New Age, New Edge, Art and Cyberspace movements, on DV format in English language and available via www.mindlift.tv.

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Mindlift Beeldbankiers for stock www.mindlift.nl
POB 43048 , 1009 ZA Amsterdam
the Netherlands
31-(0)20-6388292 - fax 020-6253280

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