Historic foortage/ Video Material WW2
This tape contains unique and historically very important material
about Germany in World War II and before (economic situation leading to the
Part of this material is from nazi-sources, part of it is liberation material.

- Swastica removal
- Berlin streetscene around WWI
- miltary parade at Brandenburger Tor
- Wilhelm II, Kaiser
- 1914 shots
- various speeches in open air meetings
- papermoney without value
- Stills: Friedrich Ebert, Stresemann
- Streetshots brown-shirt nazi's (SD?)
- Goebbels
- Angriff
- Berlin Ophael shots
- Hitler on the street wih Julius Streicher
- Meetings
- Hitler on balcony as Reichskanzler
- Flare-parade (fakkeloptocht)
- H. Himmler inspects SS-parade
- Berchtesgaden
Hitler and Eva Braun
- Eva Braun in nature
- Bormann, Himmler, Speer discussing in balcony setting
- Eva in swimsuit with baby
- Hitler dancing in white uniform
- Speeches
- Hitlerjugend, music
- Soldier drill
- Bavaria Autobahn
Hitler speeches for an audience of steel-workers
- Mussolini (il duce) and Hitler
- Mussoline after return from Berlin
- Ship-yard
- Anti-hunger
- SA in the streets
- Architectuur and arts
- Book-burning
- Goebbels hate speech
- Kristall-nacht
- Hitler Speech
- Hess
- Goering
- Berghof shots
- Eva in costume
- Goebbels meets Hitler at Berghof
- Eva plays
- Eva prepares food
- Eva in the mountains
- Eva does gymnastics and watersports
- Interior gas-chamber
- Rheinland occupation
- Anschluss Osterreich Austria
- Sudetenland
- Prague
- Marking the street because of black-out
- Westerpl.
- WA-show
- Scandinavian occupationHollan and Belgium
- Youth ready for battle
- Blitzkrieg in france
- Dunkerke
- Paris- Eiffeltower with soldiers
- Compiegne (WW1 and ww2 landmark)
- Pilot Mulders

you want a larger image with more detail?
But beware of large file (200 k)
We have available interviews with many people from the New Age, New Edge, Art and Cyberspace
movements, on DV SVHS PAL format in English language.
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