ik ben Luc Sala
(Curriculum Vitae hier) en dit is mijn site over
wat ik doe en ben.
my email is luciussala
at gmail.com
or less used: mindlifttv at
or mysterbreyell at googlemail.com
my Dutch mobile number : 0031 654987876
Corona has been quite an event, with
a Dutch book “Corona,
kantelmoment & fuckup” and translations in English, one about Corona in the Netherlands, and
one about Post-Corona visons
These days, I am basically a writer, having ended my
other businesses. My best work is still the 2014 book about Ritual. very long and detailed, all
about the magical side of ritual.
More recent English books are about Identity (2019), and an update
called Identity 2.0 is also
out (2020), with much more about PTSD and digital identity). I am turning
chapters of this into seprate books, like one on typology (enneagram, MBTI etc,)
and a book on PTSD and articles on
trauma-identity, one on parkinsons disease.
All books and many more articles are downloadable and
also on ResearchGate and Academia.edu likeSacred Journeys
(psychedelics 2016),), and Ritual and the magical (English), my poetry (Dutch/English), about Cyberspace Recon (English). The
book Festivalization,
the boom in events, is about autonomous zones and festivals, was made for a
2015 conference in Christiania with a.o. Aja Waalwijk, and is also online and
updated in 2017.
Dutch books
Mijn coronaboek is vrij persoonlijk,
maar met een introductie van Wybren van Haga.
In Dutch a book
about the entropic nature of Cyberspace I wrote in 2014. een lokale media nota 2019 in Dutch over de situatie
in Amsterdam. A new book about paradigm shift (Het Kantelmoment) as a novel under the
pseudonym Leo Hadee is ready, it’s the first ‘roman’ and in Dutch.
The Covid crisis has had a big
impact on me, as I suffer from Post sars syndrome since 2018 and Corona is now
also a Sars.
Also the political situation
and the loss of civil rights has been an issue for me.
It has resulted in many
articles and updates of previous works like:
Other works publications (Ned/Dutch).
recent lectures and interviews (for Salto TV
Amsterdam) on youtube:
articles (some on academia.edu):
- Radicalization, why do people become violent, the lack of
biomarkers and ways to deal with it
- Millennials; a generation damaged by C-section, stress, Fear and
- Apes are degenerated humans: a different view on Darwin and evolution
- Analog and digital/ a fundamental dichotomy, not only technical
- PTSD: the plague of our times
- Digestive identity; we are what we digest, the gut biome
- Lokale media: een eigen autonome site voor
- Eco-optimism about the positive alternative to the war-on-climate
- Egyptian notions of the psyche and identity
- Hospital ervaringen/experiences in 2017,
in AMC Amsterdam
- Mircea Eliade: his notion of the sacred
- Digital versus analog (in Resurgence UK)
- Lucidity, a psychotherapeutic model (Eng)
- Tribalism, urban tribes, Ruigoord en Christiania 2008
- Happines: new formulas to decide what happiness could entail
- Lone Wolf Jihadisme en reborn
muslims: wat kunnen we doen
-Thomas Piketty and Cyberspace (Dutch)
- Innovatie, hoe ontstaan vooruitgang en
- Ethica, moraal, Plato’s Phaedrus wat
- Gevoelseconomie: hoe Apple daarmee scoort
- Diversiteit; de sleutel to sociaal beheer
Een soort terugblik en biografie: 65 jaar en 60 jaar (my English language
And much more, this site has some
8.000 sub-pages !!
commentaries on events (Engl):
Psychedelic forums and conferences
Berlin Entheogen-Science 2016
Hieronder vindt u
verder m'n activiteiten, research projecten, oudere columns
in o.m. de Amsterdamse Echo, gedichten,
persfoto's, veel over cyberspace etc. met
hiernaast rechts de links naar m’n gelukkig steeds minder belangrijk wordende
bedrijfsmatige activiteiten http://www.dealerinfo.nl
en ook links naar m’n meer spirituele websites zoals http://www.share-shop.nl/en http://www.mindlift.tv en ons
mini-conferentieoord www.myster.nl dat nog te
koop staat zonder veel haast overigens . M’n
YouTube platform is m'n kanaal Mindlifttv met zo’n 4 miljoen bezoekers
so far. Facebook is er ook als mindlift.video
(Luc Sala) en m’n skype handle is lucsala. Mobile Phone 0031654987876
Welcome, my name is Luc Sala and this is my
main site, references to other sites and business activities and enterprises are
to the right.In 2009 I turned 60 and that’s time to look back with a
little booklet. My activities span from
ICT businesses to esoteric poetry, I wrote a few dozen books and engaged in
many cultural, scientific and entrepreneurial activities. Recent projects
include prescience
and DNA as hypercommunication into the future, cyberspace law, psychological
subpersonalities and the inner child, fire
ritual, the solar crisis, prescience, enneagram, the fear-culture and magic wands.
Also our original ideas for a kind of Academy of Original Wisdom
as a continuation of the Amsterdam Myster centre, it turned out to be a small
conference center and B&B near Venlo in Breyell www.myster.nl but we gave it up in 2019. Some
of my other websites are www.share-shop.nl
and www.mindlift.tv with hundreds of video’s.
Some pictures of me, for press use
Bhajan/Kirtan songs
and singing, texts etc. of the Famous ELF songbook of Baba Chris.